Prairie Presbyterian Church
Your first name as you wish it listed (required)
Your last name as you wish it listed (required)
Your Email Address (required)
Church (optional)
City (required)
Province/State (required)
Category (required) ---AppetizersMainsSidesSoups & SaladsDessertsMisc (e.g., hollandaise sauce, café latte)
Sub-Category (optional) ---Gluten-freeDairy-freeGlobalMeals for Many
Name of Recipe (required)
How many will the recipe serve, or how many items (e.g., cookies) will it make? (required)
Ingredients (required)
Recipe (required)
Please submit up to three photos showing your finished recipe. Please submit your photos in JPG or PNG format. For tips on how to take good photos of your dishes, Click here.
Please briefly tell us how this recipe and/or cooking it and/or cooking in general relates with your faith or spirituality. Cooking is good for the soul, and cooking from the soul yields good cooking.
I acknowledge I have no copyright on this submitted content and I waive any moral rights for the use of my submitted Recipe in the 2020 Prairie Presbyterian Church cookbook.